MD, PhD, Dr.h.c.(mult.), FRCOG, FACOG (Hon.)
Professor emeritus
Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm

Ann & Egon Diczfalusy
Egon Diczfalusy
Ann & Egon Diczfalusy

Egon Diczfalusy is the scientist who discovered and characterised the Foeto-placental unit, demonstrating for the fist time that steroidogenesis in pregnancy is the consequence of a close interactions between the maternal and foetal organisms, via the placenta.

Egon Diczfalusy, is also a dedicated humanitarian idealist and spent the last 35 years helping scientists and scientific institutions in the developing world. As Senior Consultant of the oldest and best known research programme of the World Health Organisation, the Special Programme of Research in Human Reproduction for some 25 years, he helped establishing international networks of researchers devoted to the develop-ment of new fertility-regulating agents and to the fight against infertility in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and South America.