The International Workshop on Electrochemistry of Electroactive Materials (WEEM) is a scientific conference of a special type designed for the detailed analysis of the state-of-art and intensive discussions of key issues related to the research and applications of various chemical electroactive systems, such as electron-conducting and redox polymers, mixed-valence transition-metal inorganic solids, solid ion conductors possessing a sufficient electronic conductivity, in particular certain "superionic conductors" and lithium-cation conducting systems as well as composite organic-inorganic systems. Complete understanding of the complex mechanism of their functioning in the course of the charging/discharging process, redox reactions of solute species at their surfaces, charge transfer at the interfaces between different components of these materials or their interaction with an external electromagnetic field, requires bringing together the leading researchers actively working in these fields to provide them with an opportunity to combine their presentations of original results with extensive exchange of opinions, with an emphasis on non-conventional approaches. This informal meeting will provide the venue for an in-depth analysis of unresolved problems that will result in maximal stimulation of the further development of the area as well as creation of joint international teams for the future.

The WEEM meetings already organized in Russia (Moscow, 1995), France (Dourdan, 1997), Poland (Poraj, 2000), Germany (Bad Herrenalb, 2003), Russia (Repino, 2006) and Poland (Szczyrk, 2009) completely justified these expectations. Significant progress in this area during the last years makes it actual to organize the next workshop of this series, this time in the neighbourhood of Szeged – in Hódmezővásárhely, Hungary.

The conference will be held in Hódmezővásárhely (, in Hotel Ginkgo (ódmezővásárhely is a town (the second largest in the area), located in the southern part of Hungary. It is approximately 22 km (14 miles) to the north of Szeged, a big university city, and about 150 km (94 miles) south-east from Budapest Liszt Ferenc Airport.



G. Inzelt (Hungary), C. Visy (Hungary), M. A. Vorotyntsev (France)


Scientific Committee

L. M. Abrantes (Portugal), V. Z. Barsukov (Ukraine), C. Deslouis (France), J. Heinze (Germany), A. R. Hillman (UK), G. Inzelt (Hungary), P. J. Kulesza (Poland), O. A. Petrii (Russia), P. G. Pickup (Canada), M. A. Vorotyntsev (France)


Advisory Board 2012

D. Aurbach (Israel), D. Mandler (Israel), V. M. Mirsky (Germany), R. Seeber (Italy), O. A. Semenikhin (Canada), M. Skompska (Poland), V. Tsakova (Bulgaria), C. Visy (Hungary)


Local Organizing Committee

O. Berkesi, B. Endrődi, C. Janáky, E. Peintler-Kriván, Á. Szűcs, P. S. Tóth, C. Visy (chairperson)


Addresses for correspondence


Csaba Visy, Department of Physical Chemistry & Materials Science, University of Szeged,

Aradi vt. tere 1, Szeged, Hungary, H-6720.    tel.: +36 62 54 46 67, fax: + 36 62 54 64 82,


Mikhail Vorotyntsev, tel.: +33 3 80 39 60 64, e-mail: